Invisalign® Braces in Los Angeles

At Crenshaw-Slauson Family Dental, we believe that everyone deserves a healthy and appealing smile. For our patients seeking straighter teeth, Dr. William Faulkner offers Invisalign clear aligners. This orthodontic method corrects various dental issues that were once only correctable through traditional metal braces. We are excited to help you get the straight and aesthetically pleasing smile you deserve.

Our team is committed to giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your oral health. That's why we're more than happy to answer your questions and break down the process step by step. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation appointment with our friendly and experienced dental team!


3 Reasons to Consider Invisalign

Many patients who want straighter teeth either have not had the opportunity as a child for traditional braces or prefer not to wear metal braces due to their visibility. Invisalign aligners are an effective and discreet alternative for adults and mature teens.

Dr. William Faulkner is specially trained to provide his Los Angeles patients with Invisalign clear aligners. Our Invisalign treatments can address the following:

  1. Overcrowded Teeth: When there are too many teeth for either arch to support or when some teeth are growing at an angle, pushing the adjacent teeth together.
  2. Large Gaps in Teeth: This sometimes occurs when teeth are missing and have caused surrounding teeth to shift out of place. It can also happen when there is excess space in the jaws.
  3. Misaligned Bite: There are three main types of bite misalignment: crossbite, overbite, and underbite. If this condition is not treated, it can lead to concerns such as TMJ dysfunction and bruxism. When the two rows of teeth don't meet correctly, uneven wear can lead to gum disease, worn-down teeth, and bone erosion.

The Invisalign Process

To begin the process, Dr. Faulkner will take digital impressions of your teeth and gums to help him in the assessment of your candidacy for Invisalign in Los Angeles. Not only will we look for signs of dental misalignment but potentially serious dental problems like extensive tooth decay and gum disease. Once we determine that you can benefit from treatment with Invisalign, we'll work with you to develop a template for creating your first set of trays.

Invisalign trays must be worn 22 hours per day and are only removed to eat, brush, and floss. You will return periodically to our dentist to check your progress and receive your next set of trays. If at any time you are experiencing discomfort, you may return for an adjustment.

Invisalign FAQs

It's normal to have various questions about Invisalign. Our friendly and supportive dental team is here to answer any you may have. Some frequently asked questions about Invisalign include:

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Last?

The duration of your treatment is determined by the severity of your dental condition. Typically, the treatment can last up to 18 months, but we have seen patients achieve their ideal smile in half the time. Compliance plays a big role as well, as it is imperative that the aligners are worn all day and night except for when eating and tending to your oral hygiene needs; otherwise, your desired outcome may be prolonged.

Our Los Angeles Invisalign braces also allow for easier dental hygiene as the aligners are removable for home oral health care. Metal braces require special attention, and even with meticulous care, teeth often require whitening after having traditional braces removed. We recommend that you rinse your aligners with lukewarm water and gently brush them with a soft toothbrush to remove bacteria and food particles.

Yes. It's normal for patients to receive Invisalign who have previously had traditional metal braces. However, Dr. Faulkner will perform a detailed assessment of your smile before you receive your aligners to ensure that you're eligible for treatment.

Once you've finished treatment, we'll provide you with a set of retainers that help keep your smile in place for the rest of your life. However, unlike Invisalign, your retainers only need to be worn at night.

Los Angeles Invisalign Treatment for You

If you're looking for a way to straighten your smile safely and discreetly, Invisalign might be the perfect treatment for you. At Crenshaw-Slauson Family Dental, we're proud to offer Los Angeles Invisalign to address mild to moderate misalignment issues. You can trust our team to provide you with an exceptional level of care from the start to the finish of your treatment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward getting the straight smile you deserve!